Tuesday, March 18, 2008

where did all the sprocket holes go?

For X-mas this year my mom got me quite a few items from Lomography shop like a filter set, the Lomo ringflash and several other things. But the best was the 35mm film adaptor for my Holga. I've shot 35mm film in my Holga before but it was always a messy endeavor using makeshift adaptors I had made myself. While the Lomo 35mm film adaptor makes composition easier and eliminates scratches on the negatives it leaves one key element out, the one that gives it a distinct look... THE SPROCKET HOLES!!! it covers them! what? finding this out could possibly be he most frustrating discovery ever... The two images below are shot with the Lomo 35mm adaptor, people didn't even know they were taken with a Holga until I told them, you just can't tell. Sigh... guess i need to modify my adaptor, actually that sounds fun, time to do some work. Check back soon to see the modified adaptor results.

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